AGIAMO (Associazione GIArdini Montanelli) is an association of private volunteers that focuses public attention on the protection of the first green heart of Milan. The mission of thie association, created in July 2016, is the promotion of any initiative aimed at spreading the values of respect, care and protection of the Gardens.
“All and together we can preserve and protect this natural asset.”
-December 7, 2020: The mayor of Milan awarded the Association AGIAMO the Certificate of Civic Merit, also called Ambrogino d’oro, for the efforts made in recent years for the care and improvement of the Montanelli Public Gardens (photo Ambrogino d’oro AGIAMO)
-May 24, 2021: Gardens for Good , Project of AGIAMO begins. (photo Giardini per bene, photo Giacchino Giallo Giardini per bene)
The aim of the project is not only to return to its former glory a green area of the city much loved by citizens, but also to give employment, albeit temporary, to people who at this particular time are without employment and therefore face economic problems .
The idea comes from AGIAMO – Associazione Amici dei Giardini Montanelli – which then involved the Rotary Club Milano Nord Ovest, and Cobaty Italia – an interprofessional association for building, urbanism and environment- with the contribution of the Negroni Prati Morosini Foundation and in collaboration with Opera San Francesco per i Poveri which identified people who actively participate in the project and which takes care of facilitating the relationships between them and AGIAMO following the progress of “Gardens for Good”.
Their task is simple but no less important: the redevelopment of the curbs of the flower beds by removing weeds and the earth that covers them.
This manual work is easy to perform, does not require any specialization or special physical performance, so anyone with good health and good will can perform the task.
The organizations mentioned above have already established a fund that will allow them to pay workers who will be employed for half a day.
The Service currently is in the execution phase and workers have been contracted by Agiamo.
Numerous Club Members actively participate in the field work.
Responsible for the project: Arch. Giovanni Bottini.