The persistence of the Covid 19 health emergency has motivated a group of members of the Milano Nord Ovest Club since last autumn to promote social, educational, informative and training initiatives of a multidisciplinary medical, cultural and interreligious nature. Coordinated by Club President and PDG Ugo Gatta, other Clubs have joined the project – Aquileia, Porta Venezia, Porta Vercellina, Precotto San Michele and Sud Est – along with the Centro Studi Grande Milano, the Insieme per Prenderci Cura group, the Ordine delle Professioni Infermieristiche (OPI), and we have informed OmceoMI and several Universities. The preparatory meetings so far have required over 150 hours of work, and at least another 40 hours of organizational support. The Governor of Rotary District International 2041 Roberto Bosìa is following the initiative favorably, as is the Rotary Foundation for Milan.
Olderico Caviglia coordinates the IT part.
This “Service” Project provides – thanks to the resources and professional skills generously made available by the participants – the organization of courses, study groups, conferences and publications.
Therefore, a characteristic of this Service, in addition to the multidisciplinary contribution and “human medicine and narrative” (A. Scanni), is the dynamic opening to interact with all social components sensitive to the urgencies determined by the present health crisis in the social, economic, ethical and cultural field.
(Locandina con Programma Convegno 10 marzo 2021 Rotary per Milano Covidfree)
A first Conference Together for a Pandemic-Free Society: Challenges, Resources, Ethical Behaviors was held on March 10, 2021 according to the attached program, to address the issues that can then be collected and edited online and in print in a Handbook: Communicating correctly during a pandemic – Relationships between sick people and health care – Rights and duties during a pandemic – Ethical questions in global and personal perspective – New technologies and engines of hope – Vaccines: scientific, ethical and legal aspects – Inclusive society, dialogue, interfaith collaboration – Public interventions, training, subsidiarity, military health structures
Following the Convention of March 10, two meetings have been organized, on May 5, 2021 and May 26, 2021 on the topics “School and Education” and “Health and Communication”.
The last meeting scheduled for A.R. 2020-2021 will be held on June 23, 2021 and will deal with the theme of “Integration and Work“.
Project Coordinators: Dr. Ugo Gatta and Monsignor Pier Francesco Fumagalli, President A. R. 2020/2021, RC Milano Nord Ovest.