A central THEME of this Rotary program is the creation of supportive synergies, scientific and humanistic, social and civic, technological and economic, for a common global front of multidisciplinary, multicultural and multireligious resources in the pandemic crisis.
The common commitment to overcome the Covid 19 pandemic, asks us to face together challenges and critical issues in areas of fundamental importance for the protection of the person and the solidity of the social structure. With special attention to the needs of fragile and at-risk population groups – the elderly, children, the sick, migrants, the new poor – in a local and global perspective attentive to the problems of health, work, sustainability and new professions, Rotary Clubs and other organizations offer synergistic collaboration and professional expertise, for a service of subsidiarity to civil society. The hope is to promote integration between sciences, new technologies, complex social needs, principles of pedagogy and teaching methodologies, in a multidisciplinary, multicultural and multireligious dialogue, involving responsibly adolescents, young people and adults, starting from Milan, city of the world, polycentric and engine of innovation and experimentation.
Zoom Meeting
Introduced by Prof. Giovanni Boniolo, University of Ferrara – Speaker Dr. Ruggero Corcella, Journalist of Corriere della Sera, Health Editorial Staff – Counter speaker Prof. Piergiorgio Danelli, Sacco Hospital and University of Milan – Moderator Dr. Maria Dolores Bracci (Rc Milano Precotto san Michele)